Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Christmas. Sam and I hope you get a ton of fantastic loot and zero fruitcakes.

It’s 4:30 in the morning and I should be in bed, so sleep is my one and only goal as soon as I finish this Howdygram post. I know you’ll understand if I keep it brief ... but first I’d like to wish you A Really Happy Christmas if you’re of the goyishe persuasion. Sam and I hope you get a ton of fantastic loot and zero fruitcakes.

Out of curiosity, have any of you been missing Paula Deen? Here’s a Christmas video promo from the Paula Deen Network, an online channel launched in September by loyal Confederates (I’m guessing) because no genuine TV station will touch that racist, southern-fried phony.

The promo shows an amped-up Paula y’alling and cackling her way through a confusing montage of slimy desserts with her husband (the dude who looks like Santa) and two grown sons with no life of their own. You can subscribe to the Paula Deen Network for 99¢. We think it’s overpriced. NOBODY needs that many gravy recipes.

Thank you for reading this.

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