Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I don’t feel well enough to cook anything in case you want to send me a pizza or Mongolian chicken.

I knew it was probably too good to last. After no new ailments since recovering from last weekend’s twisted hip hoo-hah I FEEL REALLY CRAPPY TODAY just in time for Thanksgiving. My throat is raspy, I’m congested on & off, and my body temperature is only 95.5° — holy shit! HYPOTHERMIA! — which feels like I’m freezing to death from the inside out. Plus it’s almost time for dinner and I’M VERY, VERY HUNGRY but don’t feel well enough to cook anything in case you want to send me a pizza or Mongolian chicken. Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity.

Before I forget, today is my great-niece Addison’s first birthday and I’d like to post a brand new picture of this adorable little child for your possible interest. She lives in suburban Chicago with her big brother Tyler (he’s six) and her parents, Melissa and Tom. Melissa is my sister’s oldest daughter, and I vividly remember her first birthday almost 38 years ago involving a Winnie the Pooh dress and a chocolate cake that she squashed into hand cream.
I’ll try to come back later and write another post, although I don’t know if I’ll feel up to it due to not having a real nap today, my blood sugar is too low and my hands are so cold it’s hard to type. Other than that, however, everything here is fucking terrific. Thank you for reading this.

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