Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bobby Jindal thinks he’s a white man. And he sincerely believes the racists in the GOP think so, too.

I have a brand new Putz of the Week for you! This time the Howdygram would like to recognize Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a self-hating pukehead Republican of the first degree who seriously believes that RACISM EXISTS BECAUSE MINORITIES REFUSE TO ACT LIKE WHITE PEOPLE. I shit you not.
After the Republicans lost the 2012 presidential election, Jindal — in a rare moment of sanity — commented that the GOP needs to “stop being the stupid party.” But he went down in flames last Sunday when his op-ed in Politico, marking the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech, blamed minorities for racism in America because racism wouldn’t exist if they would just forget who they are and ACT WHITE.

The irony is, Jindal only says this because thinks he’s a white man. And he sincerely believes the racists in the GOP think so, too. Holy shit.

So rather than call out the outrageous haters in the Republican party Jindal decides to commit political suicide by pandering to them in yet another shining example of a Republican blaming victims for their own oppression. And he manages to throw in a ridiculous dose of self-hatred at no additional charge.

The bottom line? What Jindal clearly doesn’t understand is that HOW MINORITIES “ACT” isn’t the focus of racism at all ... it’s THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. And that’s why Bobby Jindal can pretend to be white until the cows come home but still doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being nominated by his own party for President. What an idiot.

Thank you for reading this.

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